Flash Animations And Your Website
Making changes to a position or shape of an object in flash animations is called "tweening." The result should be a smooth transitioning of objects, from the first appearance to the final object. This streaming animation can be used on an entire web page or you may choose to use it as only part of an html page. The internet is full of Flash sites, Flash buttons and Flash menus that were made using the Macromedia/Adobe Flash software.What goes hand in hand with Flash animation? It would have to be Flash text. Flash text is exactly what it sounds like.
What do Flash animations have to do with a website? Hopefully, it will catch customer's eyes and bring them back to your site time and again. In this age of information technology everyone from your Great Aunt Sue to your first grade teacher has a website. Making your site stand out in the crowd is a tall order and that is where computer animations and art animations have a chance to shine.
At one time, networking was basically limited to who we could call or meet face to face. Beyond that was of course word of mouth, paid print and media advertising. Even then it was likely restricted to the local market, as the expense of getting a message to the next town, state or country was high.
Now that you are a little more aware of the power of the internet, check out a few computer animation programs and learn how to spice up your site with 3D animations, 2D Flash animations, animations video or gif animations. A well designed website will make a portfolio, with its limited space and time, pretty much obsolete. So, as you look outside your window in sunny California, just imagine your website being seen by potential customers in Iceland, Timbuktu or Nunavut.
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