Ever Thought About Creating Your Own Money Making Website?
Building a website is very easy as there are countless website hosts, software programs, and website builders to choose from. Today building a website is as easy as point and click. No longer do you have to know all the laborious HTML code that you needed to know only a few short years ago. You don't even have to know FTP protocols or how to design a site.Most website hosting companies now provide templates of websites that you can customize with your own links, and content, as easily as you would adjust or edit a letter in your word processor. There are many companies who will even give you free web space on their computers, mainly referred to as servers, to put your very own website onto. In exchange, they add an advertisement onto your site. Do a search on the Internet for "free website hosting" and checkout your results.
Do you have any hobbies you're passionate about, or interests you'd love to let others know about? Are you a Chess player who can share strategies about the game? Do you have an opinion about happenings in the world that others should know about? Are you into photography, or stamp collecting, butterflies, quilting, scrap booking, remote control models, airplanes, religion, politics, art, or a host of just about any imaginable topics? Some people even use their website to update relatives on their family activities, or new children etc. Chances are that if you're interested in something, someone else in the world is also.
Once you have your website up and running you can either choose to keep it low-key where you only give the address to certain people. Or you can post your website address on forums, bulletin boards, on every email you send out, and even do link-swaps with other people who have similar or complementary sites to yours. You do that by having a links page, where you put links that lead to other people's sites and they put your link on their website. All you need to do is contact the owner of the website you want to do a link-swap with. Having other people link to your site also increases your chances of being indexed higher in the search engine listings.
Try to be committed to your website. Keep the content and photos up-to-date. The internet is known for having a lot of "dead" information - content that is never updated for years and years; in fact, the website owner has abandoned the site but never taken it off the air. People enjoy and deserve fresh content.
If you want to be reached, add a link to your email address. Make sure it's an address that's not your main source of email. Find a free email account like Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo. This is because there is a tendency for people to sometimes abuse your address and spam you with lots of unwanted mail. If you get that, you can always just start another free email account and change the link on your site.
So, whatever you choose to do, go out and do it. There's a world of people eagerly awaiting and needing what you have to offer.
Just think, people may actually be surfing for YOU and your ideas!
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