5 Vital Rules For Web Site Design
1) Do Not Use Splash Pages
Splash pages are the first page you would see when you hit a web site. They tend to have a nice picture or photo with the words, "Welcome" or "Click Here To Enter." They may look attractive, but functionally, they are empty and a waste. The search engines are looking for solid content on your index page and a splash page doesn't cut the mustard. It also gives your visitors a prime oppotunity to click away. Make that first impression count!
2) Do Not Use Excession Banner Ads
People have trained themselves to avoid making eye contact with banner ads. If you are advertising on your site, the best advertising to do is in-context link ads. It's more of a pre-sell than a hard sell and will make all the difference.
3) Create A Simple And Clean Navigation
The simpler, the better. People are coming to your web site for information. They want the solution to their problem answered and want to find it quickly. Avoid flash and drop-down menus. Keep it simple, easy to navigate and easy to get back. A visitor should never, ever be more than 3 clicks away from your Home page.
As in point 3, it is essential that your visitors feel as if they are in total control of their browsing experience. Always make sure they know exacly where they are and how to get to wherever they want to be. Clear links, site maps, etc are important. If they get lost, they may just abandon ship!
5) Avoid Using Audio On The Web Site
Background audio and sounds that start automatically when someone enters your site is a killer. Don't do it! Many people get annouyed with something that they can't control. Some people tend to browse at work. If you do feel you need to use audio, put it in a control that the visitor has to push a play button to start and stop.
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